My Wedding Slideshow Romantic Piano Solo

2:57 92 bpm
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Romantic, elegant, and emotional acoustic piano solo background music with gentle and soft sound.

Duration: 2:57
BPM: 92
Format: MP3 WAV
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To use in personal or small business (up to 10 employees) promotional video, social media, podcast, presentation, free / student film, free app / game, and any media / online content not intended for sale.

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Extended Royalty Free License

About this track

Romantic, elegant, and emotional acoustic piano solo background music with gentle and soft sound. The tempo of the track fluctuate slightly between 90 and 95 bpm, in order to make the performance more organic and natural sounding and to add the extra layer of emotion. Wedding photographers and videographers can easily use this track as romantic background music for a wedding slideshow or reception video. Aside from the wedding related video content, this instrumental royalty free background music theme can be a good match for a wide range of videos and multimedia projects related to love, romance, dating, caring, intimacy, and romantic holidays, such as Valentine’s or Mothers Day where you look strike the positive and romantic tone. Download free preview and try it risk-free in your project before purchasing the license.

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